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Features & Technical Terms
How to zip files with Bandizip How to unzip files with Bandizip How to use Extract Here (Smart) How to split a large file into smaller files with Bandizip How to use Unicode filenames in ZIP format ZIPX archive format 7z archive format ZPAQ archive format Solid Compression How to open RAR files How to open ALZ and EGG files How to use Fast Drag and Drop How to use Multi-core Compression How to use High-speed Archiving How to modify an archive without decompression How to open a file in an archive without extraction How to edit a file and save it in an archive directly How to set a password for an archive How to encrypt filenames in archives How to move files to Recycle Bin (Trash) when deleting How to compress a file even when the file is used by another process How to use Parallel Extraction Expand folder tree automatically How to prevent data corruption by safe backup How to test an archive How to copy Zone.Identifier information for malware protection How to change the theme color for Bandizip How to export and import Bandizip settings How to uninstall Bandizip Update types Command Line Parameters Bandizip Setup Command Line Parameters Bandizip on Windows 10 on ARM
How to troubleshoot when I can’t register Bandizip How to troubleshoot when I can’t access the email account that I used to buy Bandizip How to troubleshoot when codepage auto-detection doesn’t work correctly How to troubleshoot when Bandizip opens archive files automatically when I download them on the browser How to troubleshoot when an icon for archives doesn’t appear properly in the File Explorer How to troubleshoot when a right-click menu (context menu) for Bandizip doesn’t appear How to troubleshoot when a right-click menu (context menu) for Bandizip isn’t displayed properly How to troubleshoot when the compression or decompression speed is too slow How to troubleshoot when Error 22 occurs and Mac Finder on Catalina can’t extract a ZIP archive How to troubleshoot when Mac Finder can’t extract an encrypted ZIP file How to use a non-alphabetic language character in a password How to test multiple archives How to troubleshoot “The parameter is incorrect.” How to troubleshoot when Bandizip conflicts with Sticky Notes How to troubleshoot when I can’t open an archive in a network mapped drive How to troubleshoot when a split archive can’t be decompressed How to troubleshoot when bdzsfx.x86.sfx is diagnosed as malware How to run Bandizip on Linux using Wine

Solid Compression

To learn about solid compression, you need to understand first how compression of common ZIP format works.

Compression of common archive formats (ZIP, LZH, ARJ...)

The following image shows the structure of ZIP format; ZIP and other formats not supporting solid compression, process all the files to be archived as individual files.

Image from Wikipedia

For example, when you archive file1.txt, file2.txt, and file3.txt in, each of the original files is compressed individually in as below.

Solid compression

Solid compression, on the other hand, is a method of processing multiple files as a single unit. Processing files as one unit has an advantage of a higher compression ratio if there is any similarity between the files.

7Z and RAR formats support solid and non-solid compression both. TGZ(tar.gz), TBZ(tar.bz2), and TXZ(tar.xz) are some types of TAR formats used together with other compression methods, and they are also considered as solid compression formats.

Disadvantage of solid compression

Though solid compression has the advantage of the high compression ratio, it has its disadvantage as well. When multiple files are compressed in a single solid block, the solid block is one unit and the file located in the middle of the block cannot be decompressed immediately.

As shown in the example below, file2.txt is a very small file. To decompress file2.txt, however, file1.txt located in the front of the block needs to be decompressed first and only then can file2.txt be decompressed.

Compression with multiple solid blocks

To improve the low accessibility to the compressed files in the middle of the single solid block, 7Z and RAR formats support compression of multiple solid blocks.

If a user specifies the size of the solid blocks, the files are processed as multiple solid blocks in the specified size. By this method, a high compression ratio and accessibility to the compressed files can be achieved at the same time.

Bandizip supports specifying the solid block size of 7Z format as below.